Copyright ©2001-2022 OrcaWare Technologies. All rights
OrcaWare Technologies provides consulting services in two main
areas. The first is in architecting, designing and installing a
Subversion version
control system. The second is designing, installing, configuring
an Orca performance monitoring system.
Subversion is a next generation version control system,
commonly used by software development teams to keep track of and
maintain their source and document files, although it can be used
for much more than that. There are many more features
worth examining.
If you are a CVS user, then Subversion makes life much easier.
For example, have you ever tried to rename a file or directory in
CVS? Did you have to call your CVS administrator to manually
rename the file? Not in Subversion. It keeps track of all file
and directory renames including version history.
Blair Zajac is our lead Subversion consultant and manages the
consultants that provide our services. Blair Zajac's Subversion
credentials include:
Since March 2002, before Subversion hit its 1.0 release, has been
on the Subversion project and one of the programmers who have
to the O'Reilly
Version Control with Subversion book.
Worked with large, well known organizations in bringing them
in-house Subversion expertise, professionally installed and
managed Subversion servers.
Companies we have worked with include:
Orca is an open-source performance monitoring tool for your
Unix and Windows sytems. Being the developers of this tool,
OrcaWare naturally provides the best support for this tool.
If you need advice in how to plan an Orca installation, or even
want us to do the install, or have custom data measurement needs,
please let us know and see how we can help you.