[Ocaml-biz] F# & DirectX

Don Syme dsyme at microsoft.com
Sat Jan 29 10:13:30 PST 2005


Dear ocaml-biz,


While surfing I found this message from last year.  I just wanted to
mention that the second preview release of F# 1.0 has just been made,
and it comes with a number of DirectX tutorials, as well as a Visual
Studio plug-in and the improvements mentioned by Steve below.  The
announcement is at
http://blogs.msdn.com/dsyme/archive/2005/01/29/362861.aspx and my F#
blog is at http://blogs.msdn.com/dsyme.


Thanks & cheers,






On Sun, 12 Sep 2004 14:32:10 -0700
"Brandon J. Van Every" <vanevery at indiegamedesign.com
<http://www.orcaware.com/mailman/listinfo/ocaml-biz> > wrote:
> From a business standpoint, what can F# currently do and not do?  Can
> it be part of an overall strategy, or is it not so compatible / not so
> fast/ not so hot for native code?
I played with F# when it first came out.  I was excited because I wanted
to be able to use DirectX directly.  At the time I wasn't too impressed
(I honestly don't recall why).  Microsoft Research reminds me a lot of
the open source community sometimes.  They put out a lot of really
interesting stuff, but it isn't necessarily usable for the "real world"
After taking a look at their site, it appears a new version (0.7) is due
out.  If you look at the draft of the changes, there are a lot of
improvements in the works.  Something relevant to this list:
18. Support for commercially use by permitting deployment of the F#
library if it is statically linked into an application. 
I don't think I'll give F# another look until 0.7 is released.


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