[Orca-users] orca warnings during ostart

Frechette, Stephen sfrechet at intonet.com
Mon Aug 21 14:06:58 PDT 2000

	Orca works fine when I only have about 30 days worth of logs, but
when I restart orca with three months worth of daily orcallator logs, it
doesn't work.  Should I forget about using previous months logs when
restarting orca, and only have orca process the previous month's logs?

	I am trying display 7 orcallator client's graphs from a server
running orca.  I successfully have six clients on the server, but I couldn't
get the server to work with 7 orcallator clients.  I tried restarting orca
and I get the warning: "can't open file, to many files open".  During this
period orca tries to unzip many orcallator logs, or percol-xxxxx.gz files.
When I run ostart, after I run ostop, orca tries to unzip about 4 mounths
worth of daily logs and using "ps" I can see orca trying to unzip these
files, the process for unzip the files doesn't accomplish anything in one
hour.  Thank you.

Stephen Frechette
Into Networks, Inc.
150 CambridgePark Drive
Cambridge, MA 02140-2317
sfrechet at intonet.com

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