[Orca-users] Re: newbie help rrdtool + orca

Blair Zajac blair at akamai.com
Wed May 31 19:02:25 PDT 2000

dannyman wrote:

> So, I don't know what I'm doing but the man pages are very nice.

Thank you.

> I've got Orca set up to graph disk usage on my box (proof of concept before I
> get too involved) and things SEEM to be working, except my graphs are empty.
> I suspect that this is due to my ignorance about RRDTool.  The way I look at
> it, with disks, for example, all I care about is the average.
> First, I share configs.  In the first corner, running out of cron every five
> minutes, we have diskuse:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> $rrddir = "/usr/local/orca/rrds";
> $rrdtool = "/usr/local/bin/rrdtool";
> open( DF, "/bin/df -k |" ) or die "df: $!";
> while( <DF> ) {
>         if( /^\/dev\// ) {
>                 @a = split;
>                 $a[0] =~ s/^\/dev\///;
>                 system "$rrdtool create $rrddir/disk-noneedto-$a[0].rrd DS:Used:GAUGE:300:0:U DS:Total:GAUGE:300:0:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:9600" unless -f "$rrddir/disk-noneedto-$a[0].rrd";
>                 system "$rrdtool update $rrddir/disk-noneedto-$a[0].rrd N:$a[2]:$a[1]";
>         }
> }
> In the other corner, orca.cfg: (abridged)
> base_dir                /usr/local/orca
> rrd_dir                 rrds
> html_dir                /usr/local/www/data/orca
> group disk_local {
> find_files              /usr/local/orca/rrds/disk-(.*).rrd
> column_description      Used Total
> date_source             file_mtime
> interval                300
> }
> plot {
> title           Disk Use
> source          disk_local
> data            Used
> data            Total
> }
> So ... and this boggled me for a LONG time before I figured it out, but
> it looks like orca is making its own rrd files in subdirectories ... so,
> one question is, do I need to maintain an RSA in its source data for
> more than, say ... TEN minutes, for Orca to absorb the data and be happy
> with it?  (Any wisdon here will be digested appreciatively.)

What is an RSA?  If you want to use Orca, have Orca read a source
text file that contains the data you want.  At some point in the future
it would be good for Orca to use RRD files instead of text files.  Then
what you're doing would work.

> SECOND question is that so far, my graphs are coming out NaN.  There's
> data for about a half hour or so in the
> /usr/local/orca/rrds/disk-(.*).rrd files, but, for example, in
> noneedto-wd3c/disk_local_noneedto-wd3c_Used.rrd I get:
>                         <!-- 2000-05-23 20:30:00 PDT --> <row><v> NaN </v></row>
>                         <!-- 2000-05-23 20:35:00 PDT --> <row><v> NaN </v></row>
>                         <!-- 2000-05-23 20:40:00 PDT --> <row><v> 0.0000000000e+
> 00 </v></row>
> My thinking here is I should at least get a 0 graph ... though I'd think
> the rrdtool dump of disk-noneedto-wd3c.rrd could give me a more juicy graph:
>                         <!-- 2000-05-23 20:30:00 PDT --> <row><v> NaN </v><v> Na
> N </v></row>
>                         <!-- 2000-05-23 20:35:00 PDT --> <row><v> NaN </v><v> Na
> N </v></row>
>                         <!-- 2000-05-23 20:40:00 PDT --> <row><v> 1.9380883000e+
> 07 </v><v> 2.6995218000e+07 </v></row>
>                         <!-- 2000-05-23 20:45:00 PDT --> <row><v> NaN </v><v> Na
> N </v></row>
>                         <!-- 2000-05-23 20:50:00 PDT --> <row><v> 1.9380883000e+
> 07 </v><v> 2.6995218000e+07 </v></row>
>                         <!-- 2000-05-23 20:55:00 PDT --> <row><v> 1.9380883000e+
> 07 </v><v> 2.6995218000e+07 </v></row>
>                         <!-- 2000-05-23 21:00:00 PDT --> <row><v> 1.9380883000e+
> 07 </v><v> 2.6995218000e+07 </v></row>
>                         <!-- 2000-05-23 21:05:00 PDT --> <row><v> 1.9380883000e+
> 07 </v><v> 2.6995218000e+07 </v></row>
>                         <!-- 2000-05-23 21:10:00 PDT --> <row><v> 1.9380883000e+
> 07 </v><v> 2.6995218000e+07 </v></row>
> It DOES appear that Orca is running:
> dannyman 25250  0.0  1.7  4936 4472  pn  S+    8:36PM   0:02.59 /usr/bin/perl -
> dannyman 26056  0.0  0.2   944  544  pn  S+    8:55PM   0:00.00 grep 25250
> /usr/local/bin/orca: internal error: expecting RRD name `disk_local_noneedto-wd0s1f_Total' but no data loaded from `/usr/local/orca/rrds/disk-noneedto-wd0s1f.rrd' at time Tue May 23 20:55:01 2000 (959140501).
> /usr/local/bin/orca: internal error: expecting RRD name `disk_local_noneedto-wd0s1f_Total' but no data loaded from `/usr/local/orca/rrds/disk-noneedto-wd0s1f.rrd' at time Tue May 23 20:55:01 2000 (959140501).
> dannyman 25250  0.0  1.7  4936 4496  pn  S+    8:36PM   0:02.93 /usr/bin/perl -
> dannyman 26355  0.0  0.1   872  228  pn  D+    9:00PM   0:00.00 grep 25250
> dannyman 25250  0.0  1.7  4936 4476  pn  S+    8:36PM   0:03.41 /usr/bin/perl -
> dannyman 26454  0.0  0.1   308  164  pn  D+    9:05PM   0:00.01 grep 25250
> dannyman 25250  0.0  1.7  4936 4460  pn  S+    8:36PM   0:03.42 /usr/bin/perl -
> dannyman 26768  0.0  0.1   872  232  pn  R+    9:10PM   0:00.00 grep 25250
> dannyman 25250  0.0  1.7  4936 4460  pn  S+    8:36PM   0:03.43 /usr/bin/perl -
> dannyman 26856  0.0  0.2   944  544  pn  S+    9:15PM   0:00.00 grep 25250
> To be sure, though, the graphs say they were last updated at 8:30.
> Thanks in Advance for any help!

It looks like you need to set up the data flow properly.  Have your dk -k
print to a file that Orca reads.  Then it should work.


> -danny
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