[Orca-users] Re: Orca not pick up new logs (was Re: plot ambien t and cpu temperature on E450)

Adam Levin alevin at audible.com
Wed Feb 28 06:51:23 PST 2001

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, Blair Zajac wrote:
> Yes, it should be plotting graphs.  However, if you have the
> measurement interval mismatched with the "interval" specified in the
> Orca configuration file, then its possible no data will be recorded
> in the RRD files.  If there is a mismatch, the only way to fix this
> is to change the "interval" and remove all of the RRD files so they
> can be rebuilt with the correct interval.

My measurement interval is 300 seconds, and doesn't generally vary by more
than one or two seconds.

I found the problem, however, and it's what I originally thought.

data (ambient*(9/5))+32 doesn't work.
data ambient*9/5+32 doesn't work either.

What works is:
data ambient * 9 / 5 + 32

The first doesn't produce any errors.  The second produces errors
"Substitution not performed".  The third generates the graphs.

Apparently, orca (or rrd) is picky about how you type in expressions.

Thanks for all the information and help.


Adam Levin, Senior Unix Systems Administrator | http://www.audible.com/
Audible, Inc.                       He'd never realized that, deep down
Wayne, NJ, 07470                       inside, what he really wanted to
973-837-2797                               do was make things go splat.

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