[Orca-users] number of columns does not match column description

Rusty Carruth rcarruth at tempe.tt.slb.com
Mon Oct 8 09:36:03 PDT 2001

This maybe should go to the orca-developers list, if so I apologize...

I'm getting the following message:

bin/orca: number of columns in line 533 of `laudo/percol-2001-10-08' does not match column description.

So, I go over and look at the file, and the number of columns DOES match - however
the precise alignement of the header and the data does NOT.

I also spent a long time (cpu-wise ;-) searching for strings from the above
error message in any *.se file in my dir tree, and had no luck.

So, the questions are:  

does orca require the COLUNNS to line up exactly for the count to match?

'Who' in the world gave me the error message?  (I'd like to go add more info
temporarily if nobody knows why I'm hosed.)

Just for fun, here's one of the lines its complaining about (along with its header):

 timestamp locltime DNnsrkcmdit  Dw Nw nw sw rw kw cw mw dw iw tw   uptime  usr%  sys%  wio% idle%  1runq  5runq 15runq #proc scanrate  smtx smtx/cpu ncpus mntC_/ mntU_/ mntA_/ mntP_/ mntc_/ mntu_/ mnta_/ mntp_/ mntC_/bs mntU_/bs mntA_/bs mntP_/bs mntc_/bs mntu_/bs mnta_/bs mntp_/bs mntC_/export/home mntU_/export/home mntA_/export/home mntP_/export/home mntc_/export/home mntu_/export/home mnta_/export/home mntp_/export/home disk_peak disk_mean disk_rd/s disk_wr/s disk_rK/s disk_wK/s swap_avail page_rstim   freememK free_pages   le0Ipkt/s   le0Opkt/s   le0InKB/s   le0OuKB/s   le0IErr/s   le0OErr/s   le0Coll%   le0NoCP/s   le0Defr/s tcp_Iseg/s tcp_Oseg/s tcp_InKB/s tcp_OuKB/s tcp_Ret% tcp_Dup% tcp_Icn/s tcp_Ocn/s tcp_estb tcp_Rst/s tcp_Atf/s tcp_Ldrp/s tcp_LdQ0/s tcp_HOdp/s nfs_call/s nfs_timo/s nfs_badx/s nfss_calls nfss_bad  v2reads v2writes  v3reads v3writes dnlc_ref/s dnlc_hit% inod_ref/s inod_hit% inod_stl/s pp_kernel pagesfree pageslock pagesio pagestotl
1002555300 08:35:00 wwwwwwwwwww 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  1118643  56.0  43.0   0.0   1.0   1.51   1.46   1.47    94    0.000     0        0     1 480919 362847  69982 83.831 244928  26495 218433 10.817  1133302   168996   850976   16.569   569600     1459   568141    0.256           4172989           2080043           1675656            55.384           2101120             12248           2088872             0.583     0.000     0.000       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0     320296        600      42448       5306       0.930       0.893       0.113       0.385       0.000       0.000      7.463       0.000       0.010   1322.269   1322.449   1738.000   1738.290    0.000    0.000     0.027     0.030      114     0.007     0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.013      0.000      0.000    1546311        0        0        0   449556   278002      6.633    85.930      0.000   100.000      0.000      2579      5301      2842       0     15839

(Here's a wrapped version, in case your email client broke them:

 timestamp locltime DNnsrkcmdit  Dw Nw nw sw rw kw cw mw dw iw tw   uptime  usr%  sys%  wio% 
idle%  1runq  5runq 15runq #proc scanrate  smtx smtx/cpu ncpus mntC_/ mntU_/ mntA_/ mntP_/ 
mntc_/ mntu_/ mnta_/ mntp_/ mntC_/bs mntU_/bs mntA_/bs mntP_/bs mntc_/bs mntu_/bs mnta_/bs 
mntp_/bs mntC_/export/home mntU_/export/home mntA_/export/home mntP_/export/home 
mntc_/export/home mntu_/export/home mnta_/export/home mntp_/export/home disk_peak 
disk_mean disk_rd/s disk_wr/s disk_rK/s disk_wK/s swap_avail page_rstim   freememK 
free_pages   le0Ipkt/s   le0Opkt/s   le0InKB/s   le0OuKB/s   le0IErr/s   le0OErr/s   
le0Coll%   le0NoCP/s   le0Defr/s tcp_Iseg/s tcp_Oseg/s tcp_InKB/s tcp_OuKB/s tcp_Ret% 
tcp_Dup% tcp_Icn/s tcp_Ocn/s tcp_estb tcp_Rst/s tcp_Atf/s tcp_Ldrp/s tcp_LdQ0/s tcp_HOdp/s 
nfs_call/s nfs_timo/s nfs_badx/s nfss_calls nfss_bad  v2reads v2writes  v3reads v3writes 
dnlc_ref/s dnlc_hit% inod_ref/s inod_hit% inod_stl/s pp_kernel pagesfree pageslock pagesio 
1002555300 08:35:00 wwwwwwwwwww 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  1118643  56.0  43.0   0.0   1.0   
1.51   1.46   1.47    94    0.000     0        0     1 480919 362847  69982 83.831 244928  
26495 218433 10.817  1133302   168996   850976   16.569   569600     1459   568141    0.256
           4172989           2080043           1675656            55.384           2101120 
            12248           2088872             0.583     0.000     0.000       0.0       
0.0       0.0       0.0     320296        600      42448       5306       0.930       0.893
       0.113       0.385       0.000       0.000      7.463       0.000       0.010   1322.269
   1322.449   1738.000   1738.290    0.000    0.000     0.027     0.030      114     0.007     
0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.013      0.000      0.000    1546311        0    
    0        0   449556   278002      6.633    85.930      0.000   100.000      0.000      2579
      5301      2842       0     15839

Rusty E. Carruth       Email:     rcarruth at Tempe.tt.slb.com or rcarruth at slb.com
Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE                   ___
FAX:   (480) 345-8793             7855 S. River Parkway, Suite 116   \e/
Ham: N7IKQ @ 146.82+,pl 162.2     Tempe, AZ 85284-1825                V
ICBM: 33 20' 44"N   111 53' 47"W  http://tuxedo.org/~esr/ecsl/index.html
"Why would anyone choose a tool that is the primary virus vector of the known universe?" - me

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