[Orca-users] Re: Oracle Stats

Adam Levin alevin at audible.com
Fri Aug 23 05:43:08 PDT 2002

On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, markzander61 wrote:
> We would like to start using Orca to monitor our Oracle instances.  I
> have looked through the archives here and at orca-discuss and have
> seen people asking how to do this, but haven't seen anything the
> really tells how.

Our database guy wrote a little shell script that writes out some DB
metrics to a log file.  I then use that log file in a separate Orca group
called oracle.  It contains stuff like user counts, requests, scans, file
i/o, blocking locks, redo waits, fetches, etc.  It looks like it's a
continuous counter, but I imagine that with a little script massaging and
some state control, you could do the numbers as incremental rather than

Scripts are attached.

The cron call is:
## ORCA Database Metrics every 5 minutes, 7x24
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /opt/oracle/admin/OASIS/unix_scripts/db_metrics.sh

The orcallator.cfg stuff is as follows:
group oracle {
find_files              /opt/audible/logs/oracle/userfiles/db_graph.log.\d{4}\d{2}\d{2}
column_description      first_line
date_source             column_name timestamp
interval                300
reopen                  1

#users # of users
plot {
title                   %g Oracle Users
source                  oracle
data                    users
legend                  Users
y_legend                Users

#locks  # Blocking Locks
plot {
title                   %g Blocking Locks
source                  oracle
data                    locks
legend                  Locks
y_legend                Blocking Locks

plot {
title                   %g File I/O
source                  oracle
data                    file_io
legend                  File I/O
y_legend                File I/O

plot {
title                   %g Redo Waits
source                  oracle
data                    redo_waits
legend                  Redo Waits
y_legend                Redo Waits

plot {
title                   %g Retries
source                  oracle
data                    retries
legend                  Retries
y_legend                Retries

plot {
title                   %g Fetches
source                  oracle
data                    fetches
legend                  Fetches
y_legend                Fetches

plot {
title                   %g Scans
source                  oracle
data                    scans
legend                  Scans
y_legend                Scans

plot {
title                   %g Cursors
source                  oracle
data                    cursors
legend                  Cursors
y_legend                Cursors

plot {
title                   %g Reloads
source                  oracle
data                    reloads
legend                  Reloads
y_legend                Reloads

plot {
title                   %g Data Dictionary
source                  oracle
data                    data_dict
legend                  Data Dictionary
y_legend                Data Dictionary

plot {
title                   %g Cache Hit
source                  oracle
data                    cache_hit
legend                  Cache Hit
y_legend                Cache Hit

plot {
title                   %g Buffers
source                  oracle
data                    buffers
legend                  Buffers
y_legend                Buffers

plot {
title                   %g Waits
source                  oracle
data                    waits
legend                  Waits
y_legend                Waits

plot {
title                   %g LRU Hits
source                  oracle
data                    lru_hit
legend                  LRU Hits
y_legend                LRU Hits

plot {
title                   %g Wait Get
source                  oracle
data                    wait_get
legend                  Wait Get
y_legend                Wait Get

plot {
title                   %g Undo Waits
source                  oracle
data                    undo_waits
legend                  Undo Waits
y_legend                Undo Waits

plot {
title                   %g Requests
source                  oracle
data                    requests
legend                  Requests
y_legend                Requests

Adam Levin, Senior Unix Systems Administrator | http://www.audible.com/
Audible, Inc.
Wayne, NJ, 07470                 All tribal myths are true, for a given
973-837-2797                                           value of "true".
-------------- next part --------------
#  Transform Input File Column to Output File Row
#  010510 YXZ Original Script
#  010510 WRL Add Error Processing

if [[ ${#} -ne 2 ]]
	echo "usage: ${0}: input_file output_file"
	exit 1

for field in `cat $1`
 case "${field}" in
 "")	;;

 *)	case "${line}" in
 	"")	line="$field"
 	*)	line="$line $field"
# Put line to output file
echo $line > $2
-------------- next part --------------
#  Collect and Report Database Metrics
#  010510 WRL Original script
#  010523 WRL Use four digit year 
#  010523 WRL Include once a day header logic

DATE_TIME=`/usr/local/bin/date +%Y%m%d`
T_SECS=`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`
SECONDS_TIME=`/usr/local/bin/mktime -F '%t' -D ${T_SECS}`
LCK_FILE=/tmp/.$(basename $0)_LCK
trap "rm -f ${LCK_FILE}; exit 0" 1 2 15

typeset -i curr_hour
typeset -i critical_hour=0

# Once a day at midnight, create a new file with a header as the first record and cleanup old files
curr_hour=$(date +%H)
if (( $curr_hour != $critical_hour ))
        rm -f ${LCK_FILE}

if [[ ! -f ${LCK_FILE} ]]
        if (( $curr_hour == $critical_hour ))
          $UNIX_SCRIPTS/change.sh $OUT_FILES/db_metrics_header.txt $OUT_FILES/db_graph.log.$DATE_TIME
          find $OUT_FILES -name "db_graph.log.*" -mtime +6 -exec rm -f {} \;
          find $OUT_FILES -name "db_metrics.*" -mtime +0 -exec rm -f {} \;

#  Create Spool File of Database Metrics
. /opt/oracle/.profile
sqlplus << EOF >$OUT_FILES/db_metrics.out.$DATE_TIME
SPOOL $OUT_FILES/db_metrics.log.$DATE_TIME

#  Transform Spool File from Column to Row
egrep -v "^SQL>" $OUT_FILES/db_metrics.log.$DATE_TIME > $OUT_FILES/db_metrics.lst.$DATE_TIME
$UNIX_SCRIPTS/change.sh $OUT_FILES/db_metrics.lst.$DATE_TIME $OUT_FILES/db_graph.log_tmp

#  Prefix each line with timestamp date +%s
sed -e "s/^/${SECONDS_TIME} /" <${OUT_FILES}/db_graph.log_tmp >>${OUT_FILES}/db_graph.log.$DATE_TIME

#  Cleanup old files
# cat $OUT_FILES/db_graph.log | /bin/mailx -s "Database Metrics" wleitner at audible.com
# find $OUT_FILES -name "db_graph.log.*" -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \;
# find $OUT_FILES -name "db_metrics.*" -mtime +1 -exec rm -f {} \;
rm -f $OUT_FILES/db_graph.log_tmp

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