[Orca-users] No plotting

Sean O'Neill soneill at oneill.dhs.org
Fri Nov 8 08:22:01 PST 2002

At 02:31 PM 11/8/2002 +0100, jerome bauwens wrote:
>I ATTACHED ONE png file and here is my input file (one data per day):
>[zeus]:/usr/local/orca/nblog/input>cat nb.orca.20021108
>1036713600 18 53 449064593 89
>Everything was fine in october with the same orcaconf file and the same 
>type of datas

If this you entire data file ?  What about your headers in the data 
file?  I do something similar for Weblogic SNMP statistics.  This is a 
sample of my data file:

timestamp locltime serverUptime serverMaxHeapSpace serverHeapUsedPct 
Throughput jdbcMaxCapacity jdbcInitCapacity jdbcCurrentPoolSize 
  jdbcTotalPendingConnections jdbcHightwaterPendingConnections 
1036472446 00:00:46 1d-20:55:53 405664 64 3 75 15 15 -5 0 0 0
1036472506 00:01:46 1d-20:55:53 405664 64 3 75 15 15 -5 0 0 0
1036472566 00:02:46 1d-20:55:53 405664 64 3 75 15 15 -5 0 0 0

I'm not sure what your problem is specifically but I've never had this 
problem with my Weblogic data being graphed correctly using the above 
format in all my data files.  This is basically the same structure that the 
orcallator.se script generates.

Assuming anyone is wondering, yes, the -5 is a bug in Weblogic 5.1 and its 

......... ..- -. .. -..- .-. ..- .-.. . ... ............
.-- .. -. -... .-.. --- .-- ... -.. .-. --- --- .-.. ...

Sean O'Neill

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