[Orca-users] Bad metrics

Sean O'Neill sean at seanoneill.info
Wed Nov 20 06:20:02 PST 2002

At 08:51 AM 11/20/2002 -0300, Edgard Dapás wrote:

>I had a problem I collecte bad  a metric, now a fix it but the graphics
>still is bad, How can I do to regenerate all the grafics?

I assume you corrected the metrics in your Orca text data.  Stop the Orca 
grapher, go into your html directory where the Orca graphics have been 
generated and delete everything.  Restart the Orca grapher.  This will 
regenerate all your graphics.

If the bad metric still exists in the graphs that means its still exists in 
your RRD files.  You'll need to stop the grapher again, delete all your RRD 
files (and the graphs again), and then restart the Orca grapher. This will 
generate your RRD files and the graphics.

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Sean O'Neill

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