[Orca-users] Interpreting kernel contention results

Sean O'Neill sean at seanoneill.info
Fri Mar 12 20:43:08 PST 2004

Lester, Mike wrote:
> I am trying to drill down into what kernel contention is and how I 
> improve the situation.  Orca is monitoring an Oracle database server 
> running Solaris 9 with over 50 databases on it and I consistently see 
> Kernel contention on the System Overview Chart above 1.  The databases 
> are in a development environment and the vast majority are idle.  They 
> are accessed on an ad-hoc basis and are not all in use at one time. 
> First of all, is this a problem or just the way a database server 
> looks?  If I understand the description of kernel contention, this graph 
> indicates multiple processors are trying to access the same data.  More 
> processors would seem to make the problem worse.  Does anyone have any 
> words of wisdom for this behavior? 

 From http://www.sun.com/950901/columns/adrian/column1.html:

The Kernel Contention Rule
The kernel uses mutual exclusion locks to synchronize its operation and 
keep multiple CPUs from concurrently accessing critical code and data 
regions. Each time a CPU has to wait for a lock to become free it wastes 
CPU power and this event is counted.

Table 8 Mutex Rule

CPU Rule			Level	Action
mpstat30.smtx < 200		Green	No Problem
200 <= mpstat30.smtx < 400	Amber	1. Mutex Stall
400 <= mpstat30.smtx		Red	1. Mutex Stall

    1. Mutex Stall
       If the number of stalls per CPU per second exceeds the limit, 
mutex contention is happening in the kernel, which wastes CPU time and 
degrades multiprocessor scaling.

Asking a question like this usually doesn't get much of a response 
without more information.

What is your CPU doing ?
Memory Problem ?
What type of server ?
How many CPUs ?
How much memory ?
I/O Configuration ?
   - JBOD ?
   - SAN ?
   - NAS / DAS ?
   - # of controllers and type (type of SCSI or type of SAN [1Gb / 2Gb])
   - Is backend storage intelligent e.g. Hitachi, IBM Shark, etc ?
Storage Configuration ?
   - VxVM / SVM (using Soft partitions in SVM ??) ?
   - Raw or Cooked FSs ?
   - Is your volume strip consistent with your backend storage ?  (If 
appropriate that is)
   - If cooked, is your file system maxcontig tuned to be consistent 
with your volume/backend strip config ?
Oracle Configuration ?
   - How big is SGA ?

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