[Orca-users] Nagios

Andy Harrison ah67 at harrisonfamily.com
Fri May 28 06:43:28 PDT 2004

On Thu, 27 May 2004 20:41:29 -0700, Blair Zajac wrote
Subject: "Re: [Orca-users] Nagios"

>  Andy Harrison wrote:
>  > I've seen a little discussion on it, but has anyone actually got orca
>  > working with nagios?  I'd really like to get it working and reading
>  > the nagios.log file.
>  I haven't looked at Nagios at all.  Can you send a little of the log 
>  file along to see what kind of stuff is in there.

Here is the active log.

(433)[9:33am] # tail /usr/local/var/nagios/nagios.log
[1085746318] SERVICE ALERT: server1;ssh_disk_root;OK;SOFT;2;DISK OK [326530 kB (69%) free on /]
[1085748578] Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
[1085749278] SERVICE ALERT: server1;ssh_check_load;WARNING;SOFT;1;WARNING - load average: 5.15, 3.36, 2.66
[1085749338] SERVICE ALERT: server1;ssh_check_load;OK;SOFT;2;OK - load average: 2.67, 2.96, 2.55
[1085749978] SERVICE ALERT: server2;ssh_check_load;CRITICAL;SOFT;1;CRITICAL - Plugin timed out after 10 seconds
[1085749998] SERVICE ALERT: server3;HTTP;CRITICAL;SOFT;1;Socket timeout after 10 seconds
[1085750028] SERVICE ALERT: server2;ssh_check_load;OK;SOFT;2;OK - load average: 0.90, 0.80, 0.71
[1085750058] SERVICE ALERT: server3;HTTP;OK;SOFT;2;HTTP ok: HTTP/1.1 200 OK -   0.003 second response time
[1085750328] SERVICE ALERT: server2;ssh_check_load;WARNING;SOFT;1;WARNING - load average: 5.16, 2.78, 1.56
[1085750388] SERVICE ALERT: server2;ssh_check_load;OK;SOFT;2;OK - load average: 4.81, 3.15, 1.79

And, similarly formatted, here is a rotated log.

(434)[9:34am] # tail /usr/local/var/nagios/archives/nagios-05-27-2004-00.log
[1085628076] SERVICE ALERT: server1;ssh_check_load;OK;SOFT;2;OK - load average: 0.48, 0.28, 0.15
[1085628076] SERVICE ALERT: server2;ssh_check_load;OK;SOFT;2;OK - load average: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00
[1085628076] SERVICE ALERT: server3;ssh_check_qmailq;OK;SOFT;2;OK: queue: (53/60425)
[1085628086] SERVICE ALERT: server3;ssh_check_load;OK;SOFT;2;OK - load average: 1.83, 1.82, 1.37
[1085628086] SERVICE ALERT: server5;apan_ping;OK;SOFT;2;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.15 ms
[1085628086] SERVICE ALERT: server6;apan_ping;OK;SOFT;2;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.16 ms
[1085628096] SERVICE ALERT: server7;POP;OK;SOFT;2;POP OK -   0.003 second response time on port 110 [+OK <48767.1085628092 at pop.gwi.net>]
[1085628366] SERVICE ALERT: server8;ssh_check_load;WARNING;SOFT;1;WARNING - load average: 6.63, 3.31, 2.42
[1085628426] SERVICE ALERT: server8;ssh_check_load;OK;SOFT;2;OK - load average: 2.95, 2.88, 2.32
[1085629576] Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.

>  > I've been reading through orca docs and stuff, but I have no idea how
>  > I would go about this.  Very very complicated.
>  What do you think would be the complicated part?  Would the complicated 
>  part be on Orca's end?

Yes, Orca.  I'm pretty confused on how I would handle a log like this.
 The nagios log is somewhat oddly formatted and contains information
on multiple hosts and services.

I would like my end result to be that I could click into server1 and see
its load avg graph.

Andy Harrison
(full headers for details)

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