[Orca-users] Adding a new plot

Wood, Steve steve.wood at csfb.com
Mon Oct 25 08:53:56 PDT 2004

	I have a whole LOT of data in my Orca Input Files. I'm only plotting some of
it. I'm wondering if the items that I don't mention in my config file - ie
that don't get plotted - do they still get stored away in the RRD? Or does
ORCA ignore all field headers that aren't requested to be plotted?

	EG I request a new plot for say Column C - bearing in mind I have months of
data sitting around for this plot - but I've only previously been plotting A
and B. Does ORCA go to the Input files to get the plot data or will it already
have it in its RRD?

Col A	Col B	ColC
67	23	56
76	56	87
98	87	65

	If Col C is in the RRD even though its not being plotted then I could in
theory delete my Orca input files and still graph col C right?	

Thanks for any light you can shed!

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