[Orca-users] Multiple disk space percentage graphs

David Michaels dragon at raytheon.com
Wed Feb 8 14:01:26 PST 2006

> Lastly, you can specify a color order using "color", as in the above 
> example.

Oops, I forgot to put in the color lines.  Here's what it would look 
like (this is actually what we use in our disk space graphs, so I know 
it works, but beware: if you have more filesystems than color 
definitions, the color used for the next and subsequent filesystems will 
be the same as the last defined color! .. this may actually be fixed in 
r522, but if so, it may just cycle back to the front of the color list 
.. you'll still end up with duplicate colors in either case).  The 
format for the color definitions below is rrggbb (red green blue, in 
hex).  You can also use words, like 'red', I think, but I like being 
very specific ;)).

plot {
title                   %g Disk Space Percent Usage
source                  orcallator
#data                   mntP_(/(?!vxckpt|checkp|verita).*)
data            mntP_(?!/(?:vxckpt|checkpoints|veritas))(.*)
line_type               line2
legend                  $1
y_legend                Percent Used
data_min                0
data_max                100
plot_min                0
plot_max                100
color           00ff00
color           ff0000
color           0000ff
color           ffff00
color           00ffff
color           ff00ff
color           009900
color           990000
color           000099
color           999900
color           009999
color           990099
plot_width      700

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