[Orca-users] Vertical marker in plots

Jarle Bjørgeengen jarle.bjorgeengen at usit.uio.no
Wed Jun 14 03:25:42 PDT 2006

Hi orca-users, 

I'm looking for a way of marking an event in time, by putting a vertical
marker with a label in the plots, at a particular point in time. 

This is to mark intor the plots when a change in the environment
happend, so it is eaysy to correlate the effect of the change in
performance (if any) , to time of the change. 

Jarle Bjørgeengen <jarle.bjorgeengen at usit.uio.no>
Gruppe for basis systemdrift (BSD), SAPP, USIT
University of Oslo
Tel. +47 22852930 (office)

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