[Svnmerge] [PATCH] Not depegging correctly

Blair Zajac blair at orcaware.com
Tue Feb 21 13:28:14 PST 2006

This patch is against r238 in Giovanni's trunk.

Without it, if I'm in a branch that has itself and the trunk in the 
svnmerge-integrated property, then it won't remove the branch from the list of 
potential sources because it's looking to remove the repository local path with 
the peg revision.

It's not clear to me if url_to_rlpath() should always depeg any input URLs.  The 
patch attached here doesn't change url_to_rlpath() to always depeg, although all 
but one caller of it do end up depeging it.


Blair Zajac, Ph.D.
CTO, OrcaWare Technologies
<blair at orcaware.com>
Subversion training, consulting and support
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