[Svnmerge] svnmerge: command execution failed (exit code: 1)

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Thu Sep 14 03:08:36 PDT 2006

Todd Stafford wrote:

>> Through some research, i figured out that the popen2.popen4() call
>> errors out if the "cmd" returns more thank 4096 bytes of output.
> I was mistaken, it was 4096kb.  So the actual byte count would always
> stick at 32769b.

Thanks for the investigation. I do not know where this limit comes from.

One thing that we could experiment with is the use of "subprocess" as an
optional alternative to popen2. subprocess.py is part of Python 2.4+, and is
backward compatible with 2.2+. Moreover, it's going to be committed to
contrib/client-side (i.e. next to svnmerge.py) in the Subversion repository,
so that makes it even more easily available.

The idea would be to use subprocess if available (which should guarantee
also the same codepath for both Windows and Unices), and otherwise go back
to the current launch method. If you are willing to attempt and debug this
with your repository, I'd be glad to review the patch.
Giovanni Bajo

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