[Svnmerge] Bugs when merging revisions that modify and deletefiles

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Wed Jan 10 10:22:43 PST 2007

On 1/10/2007 7:09 PM, Jack Repenning wrote:

>> +1. This saved my day as well. If you write up a decent commit message
>> for this, I'm happy to commit it.
> I'm not so comfortable with making it unconditional.  Some of that's 
> just because I've seen so many people new to the process want to proceed 
> with caution: maybe after a time or two they learn to trust the tool, 
> but they want the right to "go softly into that good night" ;-)

I'm not sure you understand. Are you suggesting to keep a bug because 
having a bug make the users more comfortable with the tool? :)

Besides, I'm not sure people "new to the process" would immediatly 
notice "Oh, it's invoking svn merge with --force, this is very risky(?), 
let me abort it and stop using svnmerge.py".

[I'm not even thinking of the fact that --force/-F already has a meaning 
for svnmerge.py, so we'd have to come up with a different option name 
which made sense, and a description for it which made sense without 
knowing svnmerge.py's internals, if possible at all].

Is there something *really* risky about using "svn merge --force"? I 
can't think of any, especially for clean working copies (like those 
required by svnmerge.py to operate).
Giovanni Bajo

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