[Svnmerge] Bindirectional Merges, simple question

Baeriswyl Kuno - Extern (IT-BA-MV) kuno.baeriswyl at sbb.ch
Tue Jul 1 02:26:24 PDT 2008


I'm new to svnmerge.py and I just want to make sure that I haven't missed anything.

I've gto following scenario:

1. Copy trunk to branches/a
2. Do changes on trunk
3. Do changes on Branch A (Potential conflict with trunk)
4. Merge changes in Trunk to Branch A, resolve conflict, commit
5. Reintegrate Branch A with Trunk

Since svnmerge.py doesn't merge back the revision made in step 4, I need to resolve the merge conflict a second time in step 5. This is a potenial pitfall. I've read the discussion in http://www.nabble.com/overzealous-exclusion-of-reflective-merges--td17701901.html about a similar scenario. Further more, I know that part should be improved with the new, not yet stable enough, Merge Tracking feature in Subversion 1.5.

I'm right? Is is a second conflict resolution really necessary? Do you have any hints or best practises how to handle this problem?

Many thanks for your patient to a dummy svnmerge.py user ;-}

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