[Svnmerge] transitive merging trickiness problem

Ted Stern dodecatheon at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 16:20:58 PDT 2009


I seem to have gotten into a pickle.  Here are my steps:

- Trunk branched to branch A

- In A working copy, 
  svnmerge.py init TRUNK_URL (+ commit)

- A branched to branch B

- B thus inherits A's trunk tracking.
  But I want B to track only A and not have to worry about specifying
  "-S /path/to/A" every time I do an svnmerge, so ...

- In B working copy, 

  svnmerge.py init TRUNK_URL (+ commit)

- In B working copy, 

  svnmerge.py uninit -S TRUNK_URL (+ commit)


- New changes on trunk.

- Merge changes to A using svnmerge.py.  Everything is fine.

- Now in B, attempt to merge A's updates.  

Here's where the problem arises:

The actual file updates are fine, but there is a conflict on the
svnmerge-integrated property in '.', the top directory of B's working

I'm assuming it's because the trunk merge info from A's merge doesn't
have a place to go anymore.

Since the svnmerge-integrated property in B's working copy appeared to
be updated correctly to reflect the merge from A, I resolved it using

   svn resolve --accept mine-full .

and then committed the svnmerge changes.  But what will happen next

Is this a recommended procedure, or do I have to leave the
trunk-tracking info in branch B alone and suffer with

     svnmerge.py merge -S /path/to/A

every time I do a merge in B?

 Frango ut patefaciam -- I break so that I may reveal

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