[Svnmerge] Merging two branches

Eduardo Wenzel Brião eduardo at ceitec.org.br
Thu Mar 12 12:08:17 PDT 2009

I have the follow situation:
There are two branches (b1 and b2) which each user works. The branches 
are created in any time and distinct times. However, I would like to 
merge the branch b1 into b2. I would like to merge the last information 
committed of each one branch. But in this moment, the branches are not 
initialize with svnmerge.py init. How can I merge these branches with 
automatic way? Is there someone?


b1 -----r1-----r3-----r5-----r8-----r10------r12
b2 -----r2-----r4------r6-------r11-------------------r14

I would like to make "an union" of the b1 and b2 and the result is 
stored in b2.


*Eduardo Wenzel Brião, PhD*
Verification Engineer - * CEITEC - * www.ceitec.org.br 
Av. Bento Gon�alves, 4592 Pr�dio 93A - Sala 206
TecnoPUC / CEP 90650-001 / Partenon / Porto Alegre / RS
Fone: +55(51) 3384-3392

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