[Svnmerge] svnmerge and externals

Ericsson, Lars lars.ericsson at kollmorgen.com
Wed Nov 9 04:56:22 PST 2011

# Hi,
# Below/attached you will find a new version of the check_dir_clean(dir)
# The following notes applies:
# 1) It requires a more modern python compared with current statement
# 2) The launchsvn() method cannot use standard python PIPE since
#    the output may very well exceeded the fixed PIPE buffer size.
# 3) The test criteria "external" for dirty working copy may have to
#    be modified. My test shows that it is ok, but I cannot guarantee
# The first section is just stubs to create the test environment and
# should be removed.
# /Lars

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import subprocess
import tempfile

# To make the test envornment to work
opts = {"force": False}

def launchsvn(cmd):
    stdout = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
    reply = subprocess.Popen("svn %s" % (cmd), stdout=stdout)
    if reply.returncode:
        raise Exception("%s returned error code %d" % (cmd,

    output = stdout.read()
    return output

def report(s):
    print s

def error(s):
    print s

# new function

def check_dir_clean(dir):
    """Check the current status of dir for local mods."""
    if opts["force"]:
        report('skipping status check because of --force')
    report('checking status of "%s"' % dir)

    # Checking with --xml will produce a more exact result.
    # Any wc-status not "external" indicates a dirty working copy
    reply = launchsvn("status --xml %s" % dir)
    svn_st = ET.fromstring(reply)
    changed = [(entry.attrib["path"],
               for entry in svn_st.findall("target/entry")
               if entry.find("wc-status").attrib["item"] not
in("external", "normal")]
    # if verbose
    for path,status in changed:
        print ("%s (%s)" %(path, status))

    if changed:
        error('"%s" has local modifications; it must be clean' % dir)

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