is a tool for automatic branch management. It allows branch maintainers to merge changes from and to their branch very easily, and automatically records which changes were already merged; this allows to display an always updated list of changes yet to be merged, and totally prevehents merge mistakes (such as merging the same change twice). See our feature list for a more detailed description.
System requirements
System requirements are down to a bare minimum, to lower as much as possible the bar for using the tool. Currently, you need:
- SVN command line client, version 1.1 or later.
It might actually work with an older version but it has never been tested. Notice that the command line client is required: so, noticeably, if you use TortoiseSVN, you need to go install the official SVN distribution to use (and no, this causes no conflicts whatsoever!) - Python 2.0 or later.
This is used to run directly from its source; another option is to download the binary Windows distribution (svnmerge.exe) which does not require an existing Python installation.