[Orca-users] Need some help about Orca customisation

Thierry Linder thierry.linder at uditis.ch
Mon Nov 6 07:34:07 PST 2000


I'm quiet new with the orca prodcut and it works well on my SUN
servers with the orcallator se (from Adrian Cockcroft).

But, now, I'd like to customize orca and create my own graphs.
For example, I have made a script who returns me the number of pts
every minute. Then I put the result in a file:

while true 
   sleep 60
   who | awk '{print $2}' | grep -c pts >> ./nbpts.txt

Then, I have create an new orcallator.cfg:

# Orca configuration file for orcallator files.

# base_dir is prepended to the paths find_files, html_dir, rrd_dir,
# and state_file only if the path does not match the regular
# expression ^\\?\.{0,2}/, which matches /, ./, ../, and \./.

# rrd_dir specifies the location of the generated RRD data files.

# state_file specifies the location of the state file that remembers
# the modification time of each source data file.
state_file              orca.state.essai

# html_dir specifies the top of the HTML tree created by Orca.
html_dir                /local/user/orca/orca-0.26/generate/html/essai

# By default create .meta tag files for all PNGs or GIFs so that the
# web browser will automatically reload them.
expire_images           1

# Find files at the following times:
#    0:10 to pick up new orcallator files for the new day.
#    1:00 to pick up late comer orcallator files for the new day.
#    6:00 to pick up new files before the working day.
#   12:00 to pick up new files during the working day.
#   19:00 to pick up new files after the working day.
find_times              0:10 1:00 6:00 12:00 19:00

# This defines the email address of people to warn when a file that is
# being updated constantly stops being updated.  For mathematical
# expressions use the word `interval' to get the interval number for
# the data source.
warn_email              root at localhost
late_interval           interval + 30

# This defines where the find the source data files and the format of
# those files.  Notes about the fields:
# find_files
#   You'll notice that all but the first () has the form (?:...).
#   This tells Perl to match the expression but not save the matched
#   text in the $1, $2, variables.  Orca uses the matched text to
#   generate a subgroup name, which is used to place files into
#   different subgroups.  Here, only the hostname should be used to
#   generate a subgroup name, hence all the (?:...) for matching
#   anything else.
# interval
#   The interval here must match the interval used by orcallator to
#   record data.  Do not change this, as it has an effect on the
#   generated RRD data files.

group nbpts {
column_description      nbpts
date_source             file_mtime
interval                60
html_top_title          UDiTiS Monitor SUN Servers arbois

  <spacer type=vertical size=4>

  <spacer type=vertical size=20>
  <font face="Arial,Helvetica">
    These plots brought to you by the Service IT of UDiTiS SA.

plot {
title                   %g nb pts
source                  nbpts
data                    nbpts
data_min                0
data_max                50
legend                  Nb-PTS
y_legend                nb

When I run orca (orca -v ../lib/orcallator.cfg), orca create the tree
oh html files correctly, but I can't see my numbers on the graphs.

I don't understand where is the problem, probably I do some mistake
with my data file.

Thanks for your help.

Thierry (thierry.linder at uditis.ch)

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