[Orca-users] Re: Multiple Host

Rusty Carruth rcarruth at Tempe.ate.slb.com
Thu Oct 11 08:34:15 PDT 2001

"Phillip B. Bruce" <pbbruce at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Blair,
>     Is there any way that I can do multiple hosts and still report
>     all these to the same web server. Is there example?

Um, well, sure.  Simply put the 'log' files in the same directory somewhere
and point orca at that dir.  (If I remember right, the default is
/var/orca/orcallator (perhaps with something in front of the /var)).

What ACTUALLY happens is that orcallator.se creates a subdirectory (whose
name is the hostname on which orcallator is running) in that directory
you specify, and stores its file there (with a name like percol-2001-10-08).

orca then 'knows' that inside your /var/orca/orcallator dir will be a bunch of
'hostnamed' directories with data to be plotted, and will 'do the good thing'.
(build a nice web page pointing to all the different machines, etc).

Simply install orca/orcallator on the appropriate machines, point all the 
machines at the same log (NOT RRD LOG) directory, and fire them off.
Just like the docs sorta say ;-)


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