[Orca-users] RE:Some questions about procallator and orca.

marmth at ig.com.br marmth at ig.com.br
Mon May 10 06:36:46 PDT 2004


     The orca is running ok now, bu if you could answer some questions I 
liked so mtchu, thanks. 
     I found procallator and I installed it following this instructions that 
I found in README file.  I have some questions about this instructions . 

> Installation:	 
> The installation is quite simple. 
> - Edit script procallator.pl and adjust the configurable parameters on the 
beginning of this file 

     1st - I found in directory orca-0.27\contrib\procallator only this 
files : 

             - install.sh 
             - procallator 
             - procallator.cfg 
             - procallator.pl.in 
             - Readme 
             - Todo 
             - update_orca_server.sh 

            I changed the name of the file procallator.pl.in 
to procallator.pl because when I tryed to run install.sh script an error 
ocurred .  The message was about the script procallator.pl couldn´t not find 
            Is it correct to change the name of this file procallator.pl.in? 

      3th - I changed $DEST_DIR="/usr/local/var/orca/$HOSTNAME"; to 
$DEST_DIR="/opt/orca/$HOSTNAME";.  This is the place where I installed orca. 
 Have I change another line in the script ? 

> - Edit install.sh script and check it 

         I edited install.sh script only the line where the orca location´ve 
been written .  The orther parts of the script looks correct . 

> - as root run install.sh 

> - configure the distribution mecanism 
         I didn´t understand about this 'mecanism' . 

> - on the server, run orca using the exmple procallator.cfg 

    Thanks for your help Blair. 
     Marcos Maia 

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