[Orca-users] procallator on ubuntu

Cynthia Kiser cnk at caltech.edu
Wed Jan 24 18:21:24 PST 2007

Quoting Mike.Kent at indystar.com <Mike.Kent at indystar.com>:
> Anyone had success installing procallator on ubuntu?
> So far, I've run config and make in the main orca directory, copied 
> procallator.pl to /usr/local/bin and symlinked it as just procallator. In 
> /etc/init.d/procallator I've changed
> # Source function library.
> #. /etc/init.d/functions
> . /lib/lsb/init-functions
> But I can't get past the "success" command:
> success $"procallator startup"
> My machine reports: success: command not found

I suspect that /lib/lsb/init-functions does not have 1:1 replacements
for /etc/init.d/functions. I think the "success: command not found" is
merely that this section of the procollator start up file isn't
finding the reporting tools it wants. Look at the line inside the test
for $RETVAL; 'success' seems to be a command, probably created by the
included init functions library. 

  echo -n $"Starting procallator: "
  if test -x $procallator; then
    $procallator &
    if test $RETVAL -eq 0; then
      success $"procallator startup"
      touch /var/lock/subsys/procallator
      echo $PID > /var/run/procallator.pid
      failure $"procallator startup"
    failure "$0: $procallator does not exist or is not executable."

> Actually, I can start it by directly using /usr/local/bin/procallator 
> start

As yoy point out, procallator is running - or could be - if only you
rewrite the init.d script. 

Cynthia Kiser

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