[Svnmerge] How does SVN handle merging renamed / moved filesfrom "branches"

Renzo Lazzarato renzo.lazzarato at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 00:31:04 PST 2008

> How do you do any of your merging and refactoring if you aren't using
> svnmerge.py?

I would say carefully and sometime painfully. ;-)
On a more constructive note, I would suggest first to decide what branching
strategy you need/want
Collabnet has nice blog describing a few key strategies
Assume that you will switch branching strategy over time to adapt to changes
(I think we switches at least 3 times in 8 months). Also, you might mix and
match strategy as needed.
Every strategy has pros and cons - there is no a best strategy.
For instance, if you need to do major refactoring, you might try and do it
on trunk (unstable trunk approach) first and then switch to another
branching model later

On the specific of your question, I have to agree to Raman when he writes
"In some cases this will be sufficient, in other cases
it may result in lost information if the user is not careful, and in
still others it may result in a conflict which the user must resolve."
The PPT preso goes into the deatils of what happens today


> Thanks,
> Eric
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